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11.05am - 12.55pm

9.05am - 10.55am

  4.05pm - 5.55pm

6.35pm - 8.25pm

English Classes

Welcome to BSGS College, your gateway to mastering the English language! Whether you're a native Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, or Chinese speaker, we're here to make your journey to fluency in English an enriching and successful one.

¡Bienvenido! ¿Estás listo para sumergirte en el apasionante mundo del inglés? En BSGS College, estamos comprometidos a brindarte una experiencia de aprendizaje del inglés que sea estimulante y efectiva. Nuestro equipo de instructores altamente calificados está listo para ayudarte a alcanzar la fluidez en inglés, sin importar tu nivel actual de habilidad.

Добро пожаловать! Вы хотите овладеть английским языком? В BSGS College мы сделаем ваше обучение не только эффективным, но и увлекательным. Наши опытные преподаватели помогут вам достичь свободного владения английским, независимо от вашего текущего уровня.

Bem-vindo! Está pronto para embarcar na emocionante jornada de aprender inglês? Na BSGS College, estamos comprometidos em oferecer uma experiência de aprendizado de inglês estimulante e eficaz. Nossa equipe de instrutores altamente qualificados está pronta para ajudá-lo a alcançar a fluência em inglês, independentemente do seu nível atual de habilidade.

欢迎光临! 你准备好踏上学习英语的精彩旅程了吗?在[您的英语学校名称],我们致力于为您提供一种既充实又成功的英语学习体验。无论您是母语是西班牙语、俄语、葡萄牙语还是中文,我们的高素质教师团队都将全力以赴,助您精通英语。

At BSGS College, we understand that learning a new language can be both challenging and rewarding. That's why we've tailored our courses to suit your individual needs, whether you're starting from scratch or looking to refine your English skills. Our experienced instructors are passionate about teaching and will guide you every step of the way.

Our language immersion approach goes beyond the classroom, providing you with real-world English experiences. From practical conversations to business English, we cover it all. We also offer a wide range of resources, including language labs, multimedia materials, and a supportive community of fellow learners, to ensure your journey to English proficiency is engaging and effective.

Join us at BSGS College and embark on a journey that will not only enhance your language skills but also open doors to new opportunities, friendships, and adventures. We're here to help you achieve your English language goals, no matter where you're starting from.

¡Vamos juntos hacia la fluidez!

Давайте вместе к владению языком!

Vamos juntos para a fluência!


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